Sunday, September 09, 2007

wine tasting at Chez' Owens!

When the Capt was gone I had a couple of people who took good care of me through the ups and downs of a loooooong three months. We decided to show our appreciation of these special folks with a wine tasting. What a night we had!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard I got a headache!
Here is Walker Leigh's hubby..Walker Glen. Walker Leigh couldn't be there due to a family emergency but we did have a moment of silence for "our girl" and she was greatly missed!!!!
Here is some of the food I made. There was fruit, cheese, cracker, pita chips with goat cheese and prosciutto, prosciutto and goat cheese wraps......
stuffed mushrooms, large shrimp cooked in garlic and butter, crab dip with a toasted baguette, brownies and some awesome tomatoes and mozzarella cheese thingies from Walker Jen.
Trying to decide how to make the party extra special was fun. Here is an idea from our own Walker Jen. Each person got a home-made booklet with their name on it to keep track of which wine was the best and the worst..(tasted like butt was a favorite! heehee). The winner of the best wine got a prize. I'll tell ya who won at the end....
Here are the wine glasses the hubby had to go out and buy at the 11th hour cause my OCD kicked in and I needed ALL wine glasses to match. :)

Here is our Walker Jen...upstairs Paige (sorry about the eye closed shot Paige!!) and her hubby upstairs Chris. Oh, and yes he is pouring the winning wine!!! Wine in a box baby! We are all about high class here in the ghetto!!! hahahaha
Our very own par-tay girl!!!
Upstairs Chris making sure that Upstairs Paige was sufficiently ready to go ummmmmm "upstairs". hahahahahahahahahaha

Of course when she did go home and all others were tucked into their own beds the Capt and Upstairs Chris talked and laughed til almost 4 in the morning!!!
I gotta tell ya, a good time was had by all. As Martha Stewart would say...
Friends, it's a good thing!


Jenna said...

Looks like you all had a grand time!! I miss you guys!=(

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Oh that looks like too much fun!!Tracey

Shelina said...

That wineparty looks like a lot of fun. What is that in the background - is it a heater or some kind of high tech appliance we all need to know about?