Thursday, March 20, 2008

going home soon...

My time here at the rents' house is coming to an end soon. I leave in a couple of days. Back to wonderful Korea (heehee) and my own family...who I miss more then you all know. It has been a really good visit. I gotta tell ya that nothing makes you feel better then being able to give a little something back to two people who have been there for me through the "thick and the thin of life with Dawn." I've been able to make a couple of dinner, do some dishes, a couple of loads of laundry, vacuum, play with the dog and do any other things my dad can think of while he is directing me from his comfy arm chair. He and I have been to the bookstore so often they now know our names, we've gone into some "men" stores so he can soak up some testosterone and he even took me to Joann's yesterday to buy me whatever I looked at for longer then a second. Love that man!! (didn't let him buy anything...told him I loved him for more then his money :) ) So in lieu of my departing this fair city soon I have a request to my fellow travelers....ahem...

Dear Fellow Travelers,
My name is Dawn and I will be flying with you. Could you please not sit next to me if you are a complainer or if you are someone armed with 7 bazillion business cards and you think I am the spokesperson for all of Korea. I am not. They only pretend that I am cause they are afraid I will blog about them. Could someone make sure my food is cooked all they way through??! Oh, and could you please start working on my airline TV right now so it will be programmed and ready to roll as soon as I sit down. AAAANNNNDDDD speaking of sitting down...I have eaten my way through all of Chicago and I may need to have two seats. To the may want to think of that and have them ready. On second thought I have had three (count em!! three) hot beefs at Portillos so I may need a whole isle to myself. Why don't we cut through all the red tape and just bump me up to business class. I am a businessy class kinda girl deep down in my soul and would really like to be treated as such. I just don't have businessy class kinda money so someone out there may need to see me, be enamoured of my witty partay and give up their seat. It would be very kind of you if you would. Also, I don't like to wait for an hour to use the potty and then have to go after a 600 pound man has been in there for said hour so you could designate one bathroom strictly for me?? I don't think that is to much to ask for considering the price of an airline ticket these days. And while I am thinking about it...any crazy terrorist out there who is thinking of going down in a blaze of glory...could you wait until next week?? This week is really not good for me. No blazes of glory please.
There, that is pretty much all I can think of. Thank you for considering all of my wants and needs.
Dawn...the totally not high maintenance traveler.



Leigh said...

I don't think that you are asking too much at all! Do they know who is about to travel with them and the connections that she has?! I mean really! Cannot wait until you get back to us!

Lauren The Artist said...

At least you know where you stand. You're not waffling on any major travelling points. Way to stick to it. HA. Let me know if the airlines post in the comment section of your blog!!! ~jen~

Shelina said...

LOl - I hope you have a safe trip.

Elaine Adair said...

How nice to see a photo of YOU and with your folks. Always fun to see any resemblance. Have a very safe and pleasant trip home uhhh, to your other home.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi, sure they would read this, who doesn't?Happy easter, Tracey

Allie said...

have a great trip back, bet your family will be so happy to see you!

My Thanh said...

So, are you back in Korea yet? Where's the crazy return-trip story?