Soooo what is everyone doin' for New Years tonight????? I am sitting here eating M&M's and reading blogs...let the good times roll folks!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Rockin in the New Year!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:17 PM 3 comments
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:30 PM 3 comments
Fabric market day...
I have been on vacation for a whole wonderful week. I've made one quilt already and am working on another one. Here is where I have everything set up...See the purple blocks?? I am working on a quilt for Middle Daughter. It was hard work looking through my bins to find some fabric bright enough to suit her taste. I am more a Thimbleberries/autummy color kinda girl. Before I started on the new quilt Walker Jen called and asked if I would go to the fabric store. I had a shower and threw on some clothes in about 30 minutes flat. Don't have to ask me twice!!! I found this fabric first's for my resident cheer-leader. Cute huh!!
Then these fabrics spoke to me. They said I needed them. I would not be complete until I had them. They were soooo right. If you aren't a quilter you are asking about now "what is she going to do with those??" If you are a quilter you already know. I am going to look at them, fold them, put them in my stash so they can make friends with the other fabric, maybe take them out again to look at them and make my soul sing with happiness.
I loves me some fabric!!!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:22 PM 0 comments
You know what every hubby should give a quilter for Christmas???? They should get them some fabric!!!! My hubby has that lesson down pat! He got with Walker Leigh and had her do a re-con mission to the fabric market...unbeknownst to me. On Christmas Eve he put this big box under the tree. I, of course, went right on over and picked it up. I could not for the life of me figure out what was in there. I was thinking to myself...."Oh Lord! Please not clothes!!!" The man has good taste but he is bad at picking out sizes. Poor thing always goes small.
On Christmas morning it was the first thing to be opened. I kept pulling out fabric...fabric and more fabric!!! They did really good! I would have a picture of it all but "someone" got a hold of my camera and messed up all the pictures of Christmas morning. AUGH! Just know a good time was had by all. It was a wonderful Christmas...kind of bittersweet though as this will be our last one here. We are due to get orders soon to a new place. Enough of that...I was thinking about what to do with some of the fabric. There is enough for about 4 quits. I had a pattern in mind from a Thimbleberries book I have. I went to Walker Jen's the othr day and wallah.....
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:08 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's Christmas!!!!!
Sshhhhh It is 10 minutes to 6 here in South Korea. I'm up...showered...the candles are lit all around the house...the dog has been walked and fed...I've got coffee next to me and the tree is glowing. I needs me some kids to wake up! Even the hubby is in bed. I've always been an early riser on Christmas day. I remember one year, when The Son was three,that I couldn't sleep all night long cause I was so excited. I ended waking the poor thing up at around 6:30 so he could open presents.
I'm giving everyone another 20 minutes and then I'm going to wake em' up.
I hope that everyone is having a wonderfully blessed day!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:46 AM 6 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
What are your Christmas traditions?? I've been reading blogs today and people are either doing their traditions or they are doing a tour of homes...really like that one! I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon and write about some of ours.
Every year, for the past ten years, we've eaten a big lunch at a Chinese Restaurant. It all started one Christmas when we had finished our shopping and realized we had no money left to speak of. I went out to check the mail on the 23rd of December and my Grandfather had sent us a large check with strict instructions to do something fun on Christmas Eve. Everyone had a taste for Chinese and a tradition was born. We make sure to thank my Grandpa before we eat and to think of him now that he has passed on. It's something we look forward to every year.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
I just plum forgot...
Guess who forgot to get Boo Bear's teacher a Christmas gift this year??
Yep, not only do I take two minute naps while subbing, I also forget to get teachers anything for Christmas.
And the hubby has the debit card.
And we haven't received our new packet of checks yet.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 8:09 AM 4 comments
The sub who falls asleep...
I was the music teacher yesterday. I fell asleep for a second. Just a second, I swear!!! No one saw, I swear! See what had happened was...I show up for work and look at the note the teacher left for me. It is 7:30 in the morning. I don't have a class until 9:30. It's high school guitar. The boys are allowed to "jam" (his words, I'm not cool like him) or they can talk, they just can't leave the room or else they might not come back. It's a big room with a nice comfy leather couch. I grab my book, tell them they better not leave under penalty of death and they better not bother me cause I am doing important things, curl up on the lovely leather couch and read....and get sleepy. Then I read the note again. I have no next class. SIGH! Walker Jen and my little guy (her cute adorable youngest son) come to visit me. Love that! They were at school for her daughters project day. Anyway....after an hour and a half of staring at the wall and reading more of my book I am even more sleepy. In come the young ones! I get them all settled down and put on Ice Age the movie. It is the week before Christmas and it is all movies all the time up there. I sit for 40 minutes while they watch the the dark...even MORE sleepy! Next class comes in...same movie. Here is where it gets dicey. I start to nod off. The room is cozy warm. The chair I am sitting in is cozy soft. I'm gone. I wake up, startled and look around. Thank goodness no one noticed as Ice Age is pretty fabulous stuff to second graders!
After all that excitement I had to come home and have a nap.
Yes folks, I get paid to nap at school. Does it get any better then that??? I don't think so!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 6:59 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Christmas and Walker Jen's affair...
Man oh man oh man! Christmas is just around the corner! I still have so much to do. I don't even know what I am serving for Christmas dinner. We aren't sure if we want the traditional dinner or if we want to go all buck wild and crazy. The parents are having T-Bones. When I told the hubby we looked at each other and said hmmmmmmmmm T-Bones! :) I just know that no one wants a turkey and if I make a ham I swell up like a waterlogged sponge. All that salt. I also have to get a few more things for The Son and some stocking stuffers. I need to get my nails done as well. You can't be Christmassy with nails not done. On Monday I am going to get up early to clean house. I love for it to be all sparkly Christmas Eve. oooooooh I may take the girls so we can get our toes done. I'm not to sure I will feel Christmassy enough unless I get my toes done. heehee What else...hmmmmm......I know there is more...Oh yeah, I have to bake three dozen cookies and make a dish to bring to a cookie swap/potluck on Thursday. I should get that done today since I'm subbing for the music teacher that day. Oh, and Walker Leigh is having a Christmas party on Saturday...gotta take something to that. A fingery food thing. On Sunday we have a small get together to go to and I have to take something to that. I probably will need to hit the grocery store. this post exciting or what?!!! I have to go now. I am going shopping with Walker Leigh and hopefully out to lunch. Our Walker Jen is seeing another woman today. We think she may have a mistress and will we will be getting our binoculars out to follow her. If another woman is going to notice how wonderfully exciting she is and move in wellllllllllllllllll I may have to open up a can of "you know what"! and go all crazy! heeheehee We will have a moment of silence for you girlfriend!!! :)
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
A change in plans...
I'm up early this morning. 5 am!! I like to get up early on the days I have to sub so that by the time I need to get my kids up, I'm awake and dressed with some coffee in me. This morning I woke up, took a shower, went out for a walk with Abbey (the dog) and by the time I poured that first lovely cup of coffee to sit down at the computer and read blogs for a whole 30 minutes my phone rang. It was my boss. Change in plans this week. I had a teacher booked for the whole week. She was an easy one too. Just show up, write some work on the board and then sit with a magazine while the kids worked quietly. Now my week is no more. My boss asked if I wanted to be the Korean culture teacher today. Sigh...okay, I guess. Can I tell you a little something about me...kinda "complainie?" I hate for plans to change. The whole OCD thing. Hate it with a passion!!! If I am all geared up in my head for a week of something and then it changes at the last minute it's hard for me to shift gears. Even with something as mundane as a teaching job. Weird I know! I have to hold it inside and get quiet for a minute cause it causes my blood pressure to rise just a bit. Then I have to tell myself how silly I am being. There is much wrenching in the gears dept in my head. After a bit I'm fine and life goes on but I gotta say...that first 5-10 minutes is a killer! Does anyone else out there suffer from the same thing?? I try hard to be a go with the flow kinda girl. If shopping plans change and we do something else I'm fine with that! Great!! But if it's something during the day that I have to do...something that I have to get my mind around in the first place....well then it's hard. I had to sit here at the computer with my coffee and have a moment of quiet cause now I'm the Korean culture teacher all day instead of a journalism teacher for half of the day. What a nerd! How do you change gears?? Is it hard for you?? Is it easy?? Pass on the knowledge girlfriends!!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
Are you there God, it's me Dawn....
Dear God,
How art Thou?? I have a quick question for You. Why cramps?? I know Eve ate the apple and tempted Adam to do the same so now all women everywhere are smited and our teeth must gnash when we go through childbirth. But God. Why oh why didest thou decidest on the whole cramps thing?? When I have cramps I get crabby. This morning my girls slid against the wall as I walked past and when I went to walk in the living room they yelled to their brother, "BOMB IN THE HOLE!" That was his cue to dive to safety, which he did. I saw legs and feet as he did a perfect swan dive behind the couch. Even the dog is cowering in fear of me. My tummy hurts Lord and I am none to happy about it. I feel as if my insides are about to slid to the floor and run screaming down the street while I stand there in a stupor. Oh, and....AND I have to wrap stinking Christmas presents at the store this morning for our wives group. All I have to say about that is everyone better like my wrapping or they will die. Nuff said! I have taken a container of motrin, have 7000 stick on heating pads and will be wearing comfy pants. None of this is giving me any comfort so God, I have a request of Thouest...when I get to Heaven may I punch Eve in the nose?? Not hard..just a quick tap. It would make me feel a lot better if I could do this one small thing. I then promise to behave for the whole of eternity and not Tee-Pee King David's mansion or anything. I will not ding-dong-ditch the matter how much fun it would be to see Paul standing at the door in his pajama's wondering who it is. (I hear he wears teddy bear pj's!) I especially promise not to bother You about the whole Dinosaur thingie...even though you know that is the first question on my list of things to know when I get "up there".
Thank you God for listening to my wants and needs. I am going to lay here in my comfy bed, with my large jersey on propped up with many pillows while I await for You to send me some pain relief.
All my admiration,
p.s. I WOULD like to say that I think you did a bang up job on the whole making coffee beans thing!
p.p.s Could You please put the idea in my hubby's head that he should really get me the sewing machine I want for Christmas...I mean after you take care of the war and world hunger and prejudice and hate and disease and crime and the Clintons.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:01 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
An Affair..a hubby filled to the brim with Valium...
So I know everyone has been waiting with baited breath to see how the ole' MRI went today. It wasn't bad. The morning started early. Middle Daughter is home sick..what a tug at the momma heart strings! What to do?? Do I go with the hubby and support him through this time or stay with my baby while she has a fever and an upset tummy. We decided, gulp!, to let The Son stay home and take care of her AND hold down the fort. This is the same son who broke my oven last week. After making to many decisions to count at o dark thirty we were on the road and headed to the train station. The train station was pretty cool. Everything is in Korean but that didn't stop us from finding out way...and why is my computer putting everything in italics??? I hit the wrong key somewhere. What a dork. Back to my story. We get to Seoul and head to the hospital to make sure they are ready for him. We are a couple of hours early so we go to lunch. Then he pops the ole' Valium and we head back to the hospital where they take him to get his head checked. An hour later he comes sliding back in the room with a huge grin and red eyes. Let the fun begin!!! We decide to head back to the train station and get him something to drink and something else to eat cause now he has the munchies...heeheheeee
We find a coffee shop and buy a tart thingie and get a cup of coffee each. At the table next to us I notice a man talking softly to a woman and she is upset and not looking at him. Now here in the story you are asking yourself if I minded my own business and let them be and then you are shaking your head and saying, "not our girl!" I angled myself so I could see what was going on. They were Korean but ladies....we can ALL read body language and I knew without a doubt what was happening. He got up to leave at one point and she started to sniffle. There was a suitcase next to where he was sitting. I waited patiently for him to come back.
I'm thinking that he told his wife, who lives a couple of hours away, that he had a business trip and this woman sitting in the coffee shop is his mistress.
I glanced at my hubby and saw that he was staring off into space in a nice drug induced stupor and went back to watching the couple.
The man did come back and he got some tissue for the lady. He then gets out his calendar and tries to set up another "date". She wasn't having it. I'm thinking he was supposed to leave his wife and Other Woman's' biological clock has been ticking and she is fed up with waiting for him. She started to cry softly so he did what any sensitive man would do and he tried to hand her money. She looked shocked. I looked shocked...but in a secretive way cause I was trying very hard for them to not see me looking. He talked to her for a bit until she finally took the money. Then my hubby got fidgety and decided he wanted some chips. I had to take him to a convenience store across the train station. It was okay though cause it had been some day what with him having his head checked and the affair to remember and the 6000 taxis we took around town. We should get the results in a week or two. I am convinced he will get a good report. Thanks for everyone for their kind words!!! You guys are the greatest!!! I'm off to bed now. Night!
Put a fork in me...I'm done!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
My newest quilt...
Since I've been off work for awhile I've been able to quilt again. :) Big smile! I found a pattern in the January 2008 The Quilter magazine. It is called Midnight Elements by Pine Tree Quilts. whew! I want to make sure to give credit to the right people. It's on page 27 just in case I'm supposed to give that as well. I changed the colors and did the borders just a bit different. It's for the Son and he loves it! I am sending it to be quilted by Walker Jen's mom. I've been sending her my quilts and loving what she has been doing to them!!!!! Insert Commercial:
If you are looking for a new quilter for all those lovely quilt tops in your closet...go to Karen's Quilting Service. See sidebar. :)
I just finished it this afternoon and am busy looking for my next project. I LOVE HAVING TIME OFF!!!!!!! heehee
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 3:27 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 10:31 PM 12 comments
Dear Blog Reader.....
I am loving my NeoWorx counter over there to the right. I got a question though...who is reading me from Switzerland???? I want to be your friend!!! I know we would just love each other! We could have coffee together over the internet and you could tell me all about lovely Swiss chocolate..I wouldn't even mind if you bought some for me!! hahaha hint hint hint! :)
You could take pictures of the Swiss Alps and send it to me. I can see it standing at the top of the Alps with a sign that says "Hi, Dawn!!!"
So waddaya say??? Delurk!!!
To everyone else who stopped by can delurk too!!! I would love to hear from you!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:46 PM 10 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Celebrity Saturation....
Why are we so obsessed with celebrities? I mean my goodness, we watch them, we copy them, we...wait a sec I'll be right back..
Okay, I'm back. Brittany Spears was just on TV and I didn't want to miss her running over someones foot. Where was I?? Oh yes, celebrities and how we are obsessed and how it is just wrong. We all need to get lives of our owns. Don't we have anything...oops hold on. Kimora Lee Simmons is launching a new line for Baby Phat on her show. I need to catch this episode. I'm back. We need to find something else to occupy our time. Can you just imagine how much money we could save if we didn't by gossip mags. (This part only applies to the public at large, not myself. Star magazine and People would go under if I did not support them. Think of the jobs lost! I am a giver if I am anything!) I am calling for a boycot! Yep, that's right! A boy-cot! We need to get our lives.....ooooooooohhhhhh did you see what Kimora has on??? "Love the shoes girlfriend!!!!"
Ahem...forget all I said! Life would be pretty boring without watching E Entertainment, without my E Online, especially without my favorite all time show...Kimora Life in the Fab Lane! Go watch her now!!! What are you still doing here???? GO!!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Just get it all over with already!!!!!!
It's a crazy time here at Chez' Owens! The hubby has a couple of irons in the fire and I gotta tell ya...when the hubby has irons in the fire it makes for a very uncomfortable Chez' Owens.
First up...he finds out if he made Major or not on Weds. Huge pressure on him.
Second...Remember when I told you he didn't have a brain tumor?? Well it seems I spoke to soon. They wanted to do additional testing so on Thursday he has to have an MRI and and MRA. Yep, more pressure.
Third...we are leaving fabulous Korea this summer for greener pastures and it's time to figure out where we want to go. We plan, he makes calls, we finagle (is this a word??), we cajole and the Air Force laughs at how cute we are thinking we have a say-so in anything and sends us where they want. I want to go to a base by the mom and dad. He has tried to make that happen. But now...NOW he is all excited about this dream job. One where he will sort of be at school all day long learning about the finer points of his job. It's great for career progression but stinks if you have visions of long weekends with Gramma and Granpa.
My loving hubby handles all this stress in the typical male fashion...lots of loooong looks into space and much silence peppered by bursts of crabby-ness. I am daydreaming about trading him in for a new and improved model. If you are feeling sympathy pains for me then my work here is done! If you are feeling the need to send chocolate that would be greatly appreciated as well but better hold off...when he gets in these moods the next thing on his list is the improvement of his wife and he gets nit-picky. If you'll excuse me I am off to daydream about my happy place. The place where my house is clean, I have a Bernina sewing machine and my "nice" husband Carlo is all about rubbing the tension from my shoulders. :)
Dawn "hanging in there by a thread" Owens
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:58 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Went to the Market the other day with the Walkers Leigh and Jen. It was cold outside!!! I'm talking hurt your face cold! I, because I am cool like that, decided to wear some capris. Yep, I'm an idiot. Some of the local agimahs (ladies of a certain age) took umbridge with my choice of pants and proceeded to take me to task. Every where I went I had them shaking their heads and pointing at me. One of the older ladies came up to me and started fussing loudly. I have no idea what she said but then the funniest thing happened! She rolled up my capris above my ankle, all the while giving me the business, and then SHE SMACKED ME ONE! On the leg. Hard. Then she rolls up her pant leg and shows me all the layers she had on while still giving me the business. My posse, my girls, my ace-boon-coons were laughing hysterically. They were no help at all. It seemed to me I needed to take matters into my own hands. I apologized profusely to the agimah all the while bowing and I have to admit, laughing hysterically as well. I mean come on!!! Who does that???!!!! She smacked me people!!! hahahahahaha As soon as I could make my escape I went on a mission to find some socks. This was my choice....they called to me. I put them on and the shopping commenced. Now let me explain something...not one person noticed my socks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one!!!! Everyone in the whole of Korea was upset with me when it was just my legs out there but do they blink an eye when I walk around with these babies on???? NOOOOOOO!! It was a constant source of amusement for the three of us that no one turned a head to look at me. I laughed so hard that day my stomach hurt! Good times in Korea folks! Good times! Oh, and does anyone know why my sentences are underlined here??????? Sheesh! If it's not one thing it's another on blogger!!!! Oh, and yes, my socks did remind me of the witch who had the house fall on her in the Wizard of Oz. hahahahaha You all know you want a pair of these babies!!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:02 PM 5 comments
The pictures have landed...
Hurray!!! I did it!!! Read on my faithful ones...I have three posts complete with pictures.......
Now I must go and take a loooooong nap to recuperate.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:30 AM 1 comments
Thanksgiving with Walker Jen and her family...
We had the lovely Walker Jen and her family over for Thanksgiving this year. It was a lot of fun!We ate a ton of food and then talked and laughed afterwards cause everyone was to full to get up from the table! Here is my big strong bucket of love carving the turkey that I slaved and worried over. Yes that is our Little Boo Bear drooling over the gravy. :)
Middle daughter is not complete without a bow in her hair lately. I think it's the whole cheerleader thingie taking over her body. hehee In the back you can see Walker Rob surveying his kiddos at the kid table.
The lovely Elisie-Pie (Walker Jen's daughter) waiting patiently for her food and wondering where she can get a rockin cheerleaderie bow.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Life with an 18 year old...
The other night the hubby and I are on a date. We are having a lovely time gazing into each others eyes and eating wonderful food with lovely conversation. Just us. Alone. Suddenly the hubby gets a phone call. This cute young man is on the other end. The son.......
He did this.....yes ladies he did. He broke my oven. How you ask?? He was standing in front of the pantry you can see to the left of the oven. He had a baseball in his hands and was tossing it back and forth trying to decide what to snack on. The ball got away from him and shattered the glass on the oven. Now people, we live on an Army post. This oven is not ours. SIGH!!!!!! I called the maintenence office and pleaded for leniency. They came and replaced the oven at no cost so The Son is alive and well.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:24 AM 0 comments
The Great Girls Getaway!!
A couple of weekends ago 4 girlfriends decided to get away from it all. No kids. No hubbys. No work. No phones. No housecleaning and certainly no cooking. Fun was had. Money was spent. A cocktail or two was consumed...note to Paige's mom:"Ma'am your very innocent daughter only consumed one cocktail. ":) End note.
They even got to eat at Chili's. It was a wonderful weekend!! All 4 friends came home tired but content. Here is our story...
So we start off the morning by getting into Walker Leigh's very clean but very empty van...
After 3 hours in the car we get to the hotel. The rooms were really nice. As we looked around we noticed they were missing a little something so off to the store we go and wallah...a mini bar is born. Let the good times roll folks!
Here is a picture of the rockin rooms! See that chair over in the corner?? That was my bed for the weekend. Walker Leigh and I took a look at the double bed and giggled. Then we looked at each other and giggled again. I sat in the chair, found out it was a lazy boy, thought to myself, "self, you are lazy. This chair was made for you." So I called the chair and a deeper friendship was born between Walker Leigh and myself. She thought to herself that she had never before seen such selflessness. AND YOU NEVER WILL AGAIN BAB-EE!!!
After we got the rooms all sorted out it was off to spend some mon-ay. Here are my lovely friends getting geared up to go out in the world.
First up...the lovely Walker Leigh...
Next we have the lovely Paige formerly of the 4th floor and now the 5th floor Queen of Camp Georgie...
Men hold on to you hats cause next up we have the gorgeous and blog favorite Walker Jen...
We shopped...we ate...we shopped some more..the Korean people cried tears of happiness and joy for us. They are building a statue in our honor. After all the shopping we went back to our room and ate some chocolate and took stock of what we bought. Our Paige bought one purse at every store we went into....
After our wonderful weekend we piled everything in the empty van til it cried uncle...
The birdcage is indeed mine and yes I am my mothers daughter. Can you see all that stuff in there folks!!!! We left no stone unturned! No store unlooked into!!! We came, we saw, we spent!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Tonight my middle daughter is going to a going away dinner for her bestest-friend in all the world. Her sister of the heart is moving on Sunday. Tears have been seen daily. Tissue is being used by the box. I can feel all you hearts squeezing with sympathy for her. Okay, back to me!
I got invited to the dinner!!!!!!! :) It's at Outback! I am giggling with glee!! I am overcome with happiness!!!! No food I can't pronounce...nothing will food on a stick. Just me and the Alice Springs Chicken. And a side salad. Yummmmmmmmmm
Heaven thy name is Outback!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:25 PM 3 comments
How you know...
You know you have OCD when...............You can't sleep at all Sunday night cause you are so excited that you are staying home Monday to clean your house. AND YOU ARE REALLY HAPPY WHILE DOING SO ON MONDAY!!
zoloft anyone?????
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 5:20 PM 1 comments