Saturday, December 08, 2007


Went to the Market the other day with the Walkers Leigh and Jen. It was cold outside!!! I'm talking hurt your face cold! I, because I am cool like that, decided to wear some capris. Yep, I'm an idiot. Some of the local agimahs (ladies of a certain age) took umbridge with my choice of pants and proceeded to take me to task. Every where I went I had them shaking their heads and pointing at me. One of the older ladies came up to me and started fussing loudly. I have no idea what she said but then the funniest thing happened! She rolled up my capris above my ankle, all the while giving me the business, and then SHE SMACKED ME ONE! On the leg. Hard. Then she rolls up her pant leg and shows me all the layers she had on while still giving me the business. My posse, my girls, my ace-boon-coons were laughing hysterically. They were no help at all. It seemed to me I needed to take matters into my own hands. I apologized profusely to the agimah all the while bowing and I have to admit, laughing hysterically as well. I mean come on!!! Who does that???!!!! She smacked me people!!! hahahahahaha As soon as I could make my escape I went on a mission to find some socks. This was my choice....they called to me. I put them on and the shopping commenced. Now let me explain something...not one person noticed my socks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one!!!! Everyone in the whole of Korea was upset with me when it was just my legs out there but do they blink an eye when I walk around with these babies on???? NOOOOOOO!! It was a constant source of amusement for the three of us that no one turned a head to look at me. I laughed so hard that day my stomach hurt! Good times in Korea folks! Good times! Oh, and does anyone know why my sentences are underlined here??????? Sheesh! If it's not one thing it's another on blogger!!!! Oh, and yes, my socks did remind me of the witch who had the house fall on her in the Wizard of Oz. hahahahaha You all know you want a pair of these babies!!!!


QuiltingFitzy said...

Oh how I laughed! They DO look like wicked witch socks.

Lauren The Artist said...

Lovely, as always. You totally carry those off!!! ~jen~

Lil said...

Now all you need to complete your ensemble are the black lace up boots. Cool! I like the socks. =) You never cease to make me laugh.

Elaine Adair said...

You are my giggle for the morning! Funny story!

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