A couple of weekends ago 4 girlfriends decided to get away from it all. No kids. No hubbys. No work. No phones. No housecleaning and certainly no cooking. Fun was had. Money was spent. A cocktail or two was consumed...note to Paige's mom:"Ma'am your very innocent daughter only consumed one cocktail. ":) End note.
They even got to eat at Chili's. It was a wonderful weekend!! All 4 friends came home tired but content. Here is our story...
So we start off the morning by getting into Walker Leigh's very clean but very empty van...
After 3 hours in the car we get to the hotel. The rooms were really nice. As we looked around we noticed they were missing a little something so off to the store we go and wallah...a mini bar is born. Let the good times roll folks!
Here is a picture of the rockin rooms! See that chair over in the corner?? That was my bed for the weekend. Walker Leigh and I took a look at the double bed and giggled. Then we looked at each other and giggled again. I sat in the chair, found out it was a lazy boy, thought to myself, "self, you are lazy. This chair was made for you." So I called the chair and a deeper friendship was born between Walker Leigh and myself. She thought to herself that she had never before seen such selflessness. AND YOU NEVER WILL AGAIN BAB-EE!!!
After we got the rooms all sorted out it was off to spend some mon-ay. Here are my lovely friends getting geared up to go out in the world.
First up...the lovely Walker Leigh...
Next we have the lovely Paige formerly of the 4th floor and now the 5th floor Queen of Camp Georgie...
Men hold on to you hats cause next up we have the gorgeous and blog favorite Walker Jen...
We shopped...we ate...we shopped some more..the Korean people cried tears of happiness and joy for us. They are building a statue in our honor. After all the shopping we went back to our room and ate some chocolate and took stock of what we bought. Our Paige bought one purse at every store we went into....
After our wonderful weekend we piled everything in the empty van til it cried uncle...
The birdcage is indeed mine and yes I am my mothers daughter. Can you see all that stuff in there folks!!!! We left no stone unturned! No store unlooked into!!! We came, we saw, we spent!
Much fun, indeed. Good times. You know, looking at the back of that van, it looks like ALL your stuff Dawn... :)
~The Jen of Walker~
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