Monday, December 31, 2007

Fabric market day...

I have been on vacation for a whole wonderful week. I've made one quilt already and am working on another one. Here is where I have everything set up...See the purple blocks?? I am working on a quilt for Middle Daughter. It was hard work looking through my bins to find some fabric bright enough to suit her taste. I am more a Thimbleberries/autummy color kinda girl. Before I started on the new quilt Walker Jen called and asked if I would go to the fabric store. I had a shower and threw on some clothes in about 30 minutes flat. Don't have to ask me twice!!! I found this fabric first's for my resident cheer-leader. Cute huh!!

Then these fabrics spoke to me. They said I needed them. I would not be complete until I had them. They were soooo right. If you aren't a quilter you are asking about now "what is she going to do with those??" If you are a quilter you already know. I am going to look at them, fold them, put them in my stash so they can make friends with the other fabric, maybe take them out again to look at them and make my soul sing with happiness.
I loves me some fabric!!!!!