Life. It can sure become crazy and full in a moments notice.
Mine sure has.
There are a lot of "feeeeelings" going on over here at Chez' Owens with all of the changes about to happen. None that I feel right blogging about. It is never easy for a military family to have a parent go off for an extended period of time. Going to war? One of the hardest things ever.
I think it's time to take a little break from blogging. We are going to spend our remaining time together as a family doing.......I guess just doing stuff. Maybe a picnic here or there. Walks. Laying in bed and talking about nothing. Laughing. Holding hands when the "worrieds" get the best of us.
This blog has been a wonderfully amazing experience. I've met some of the best women. Thank you for taking time out of your busy days to leave a comment or two. Thank you even more for opening your hearts and sharing bits of your lives. I hope we can continue to email back and forth and I will definitely still visit your own blogs. For now though I'm going to keep quiet on mine to be with my family.
I do have a huge favor to ask.....Please keep our military families in your thoughts and prayers. There are so many of us out there who are getting our loved ones ready to be shipped out. We see the big green duffel bags packed with war type things. We sit next to our daughters as they try and process what this will mean for them. We deal with the nightmares that something bad will happen to their daddy's. We deal with our own worry that we can't share but hide in the secret places of our hearts. We cherish the times when we are out eating lunch with our husbands.....they with their uniforms on...and a stranger comes over to shake their hand. To say thank you for serving. It means so much more then you will ever know. And please don't forget me. I'll be back after things settle down a bit. I just have some hugging and back rubbing and big dinner making and long walks to take.
Big hugs to everyone,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Not goodbye....
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:12 PM 40 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I called the counselor at The Boo-Bears school. Just wanted to let her know that The Major would be deploying in a bit and could she just keep an ear to the ground to make sure my girl was holding it all together. She said she would. I got busy with life and forgot about the phone call until yesterday. I asked Boo-Bear if she had talked to her counselor. She says.....and I quote....
"Oh, you mean my therapist? Yes, we talked but it was private momma."
Ummm well okay then.
My goodness that child cracks me up.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:23 AM 22 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I got one leaving the nest..........
My son got his date to leave for Basic Training this afternoon. And because the Universe is a woman with horrid PMS he will be leaving before my husband gets home. Ah joy. I get to ship one off to war and the other I will be shipping off to start his new life and praying that he will not be joining his father. Praying that he will be doing something much safer and closer to home.
Soooooooooooooooooo where am I now you ask??? I am hiding in my room. Seriously. I am sitting on my bed with my faithful dog next to me and the laptop in my lap. I have already sent out the SOS email to my Ya-Ya's and they responded immediately.
Ladies? What did we do before Ya-Ya's I ask you???
Tonight my husband and I were sitting on the couch and I looked at him. I said "Can you even believe that our first born is about to leave the nest?" Then he hugged me and said "I know."
When The Son got the call you should have seen his face. Oh my gosh was he excited.
Remember that feeling?? It's like your life is all there before you and it's waiting for you to step into it. Adulthood!! No parents!!! Your own decisions!!! I am so ridiculously happy for him. He got the job he wanted and will be traveling quite a bit.
Wanna know the best part of today? It was when I was cooking dinner. Just in there minding my own business. He came in and said "hey mom...." then he grabbed me up for a hug.
Just a hug.
Then he went about his business while I looked out the kitchen window for a bit. Wanna know what I saw out that window? I saw the four year old he used to be. The one who asked me once....when I was getting ready for a party......after I'd had his little sister and was not feeling very svelte...he says to me with his brown eyes so very big....."Mommy, are you a princess?!"
Excuse me while I find some tissue.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 8:32 AM 13 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Great Ya-Ya Reunion 2010 Cont.......
Here is our Paige. All happy to be with Flat Jen. Speaking of our Paige....her husband handed her a plane ticket for Christmas. He told her she would be getting on the plane, no questions asked. She had no idea what was waiting for her on the other side and has been going crazy trying to find out. We were all sworn to secrecy.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 3:06 AM 7 comments
The Great Ya-Ya Reunion 2010
One of our Ya-Ya's has a hubby fighting for Truth Justice and the American Way...which means he is deployed. Again. For like the 4th time. Our Ya-Ya?? Missing him terribly and holding on by a small thin thread. He....being a very good husband...realized this and sent out the SOS. He called the Ya-Ya's and said that he would pay for a weekend at a very lovely hotel in Nashville if we could all just get there. We, of course, said yes and bought tickets back before Thanksgiving. With one of us who's husband has just gotten home from a of us who's husband is deployed now...and one of us looking at a looming deployment...being away for a weekend of talking laughing and eating was a very good thing. One of our Ya-Ya's couldn't make it so we Flat Jen everyone!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 2:51 AM 7 comments
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Stephen King.....
Allrighty Int-netz....very serious question for you that has nothing to do with the love of my life being deployed here very shortly to parts unknown....places unheard of.....the man I have loved since I was a weeeeeeeeeeee 15 years old going "over there" sniiiiifffff. Yeah, nothing to do with all of that. My question is this:
I got a Nook (fabulousfabulousloveitmorethenlifeluvluvluvluvluv!!!) for Christmas. It had to be back ordered cause they were sold out. It came at the beginning of February. I am embarrassed at the number of ebooks I have on there already. It is only the 10th. I orederd another book last night. When my husband asked me I was ordering ANOTHER BOOK! I may have said no. I may need an intervention...but not yet cause the new JD Robb and Sooky Stackhouse books are coming out soon. And I may have pre-ordered them. heh.
My question dear friends you download Stephen King if you have a Nook or a Kindle?? Do you have Stephen King books in your house?? I love Stephen King and read him whenever I go into Barnes and Noble aka Sanctuary To My Soul but bring him home? Nope. Why you ask?? Ummmmmmm, don't laugh okay.........I'm scared that stuff in his books are going to hop out and get me in the middle of the night. There! I said it! I feel lighter already. I'm totally nervous that if I download his newest book in my Nook that the dark forces whom prowl around looking for mamby pambys like myself will hop out of there in the middle of the night and eat half of my face off. They will probably look like clowns too and that just makes me shiver in my parts and pieces. Did I ever tell you that when Cabbage Patch dolls were popular my grandmother had big ones made for the two oldest granddaughters and heh...I was one of the lucky ones?? Yep. Scared me to death. I hated that thing. I just knew it came alive in the middle of the night and walked over to my bed and looked at me. She and I would have a stare down every night before I went to sleep. I would tell her that I wasn't scared of her and she would stare back at me all silently like and spooky-thinking in her doll head that oh yes I was and just wait til I shut my eyes cause then she was gonna walk over and luuuuuuuuuk at me......and possibly eat half of my face off.
So what say you on the Stephen King books?? Download or not download?? Has anyone downloaded a book of his (looking at you reader extraordinaire Mary!!) and not had their face half eaten off? Hmmmm did ya read him and make it out alive?? Inquiring minds need to know.
Thank you and good day.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:05 PM 14 comments
It is Saturday morning here in snow filled Ohio. The ice storm came as predicted and lasted for hours. Then snow. More snow. Lotsa snow. It is still snowing.
You know what's weird about it though? The sirens are going off. You know the emergency broadcast sirens that come on to warn us that disaster is immanent? Yeah, those sirens. I keep looking outside to see what is what and I only see snow. It's coming down very softly and really, we only got about 6 inches. Compared to DC what do we have to be all sireny about??
SEE! There they go again. Does it mean the end of the world is nigh?? Should I get out from under my quilt and not drink the rest of my very lovely cup of coffee?? If the end of the world is nigh I should probably go and take a shower. You can't run around outside yelling "life as we know it is coming to an end!! Run!! Run for you lives!!" if you don't have makeup on and poofy hair.
Oops, sirens stopped. I guess the end of the world isn't nigh. Nope, there they go again. The nigh is getting closer. I'm going to go and peek outside to see if there is a black cloud of destruction headed my way. Hold on, I'll report back in a minute.....................
Nope. Nothing. Nada. I did see a snow plow and a neighbor is shoveling his sidewalk like nothing is happening. Hmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting happenings here this morning. I must make another cup of coffee and contemplate things.
Stay warm everyone!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 10:57 PM 19 comments
You know the commercial with Michelle Obama?? The one where she is talking about doing good things and ummmmmmmmmmm well I forget what else she talks about but it's on all the time.
Wanna know why I can't remember what she talked about?? I can't stop looking at her eyebrows.
Seriously. I cannot look away. While she is waxing poetic on how to help people and other very important things I keep thinking "Guuuuuuuuuuuuurl what happened to your eyebrows and do you know they look like that??!!"
Am I the only one who noticed??
I mean I totally love Michelle Obama and want to be BFFs. I can see us sipping cosmos together and dishing on what her husband said the other night and CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE HE WENT THERE??! We would have Besty-Sleepovers and she would let me stay in The Lincoln bedroom. After we had a couple us a couple of those cosmos......and put on our PJs....... we would ding dong ditch members of Congress. After a night of fun we would be drifting off to sleep. Secure in the knowledge we had put the F in fun......I wouldn't be able to resist asking her......"Miiiiiiiiicccccccccchhhhhhelle....pssssst....chelly (my BFF nickname for her) what's up with the eyebrows???"
p.s. you guys rock. thanks for the wonderfuly kind words and the support. seriously. I had to get the tissue out. It means a lot and I really really appreciate it.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:26 AM 43 comments
Ahhhh sucketh this week.
The hubby has been gone this week doing Major-ish things. I've been holding down the fort with the kiddos which means I get to watch what I want on TV and sleep on the couch......ever vigilant for things that go bump in the night. He calls me every night which is really nice. What did we do in the days without cell phones I ask ya?? Anyway, there I was the other night. Sitting on the couch watching TV with my laptop in my lap and some goldfish crackers by my side. Waiting for him to call. When the phone rang I hopped on there with a very perky "Hey there baby-cakes!" We talked for awhile and then he says to me, "Listen, I have some bad/good news." I'm thinking he's going to tell me that they are being delayed and have to stay a couple of days longer. Ahhhh if only. He tells me that his number has come up and he is being deployed. The good news? He only has to go for around 8 months. Not 12 or 15.
I have now re-read that sentence a total of 5 times. I am trying to get my brain around it. Hmmm. Carrying on.....after he drops that bomb I sit there. Those goldfish crackers are no longer looking as yummy as they did a mere 5 minutes ago. What to say? We sit in silence for a bit. Both of us trying to absorb what this means.
This is a scenario that has played out on telephones.....emails.......face to face conversations...for 9 years now. The other night it was my turn to be all strong and supportive. I really really really didn't want to be. I wanted to ask if this could be a mistake. Or could he call someone and tell them no. Neither one being an option I asked him how he felt. He says he feels good, that it's his turn to go and when it's your turn to go, you go and that it will go fast and we have email and Skype and it will all be okay. Also he says it's not like he will be on the front lines or driving a tank like so many of our young men and women. In my heart I am saying that sure I know that and yeah that is such a great thing but you will be gone. Who will put their foot on mine right before we go to sleep? Who but he understands my love of mint chocolate chip ice cream? Who will I read to at night? And don't forget the kids. They adore him. How will I tell them their father is going "over there." ??????? When we were about to hang up he asked me if I was okay and then he said he loved me very much. I told him I loved him too and that yes, I was okay. I know what it means to be a military wife. He said he would call me in the morning and we said goodbye. I laid on the couch and wondered what to think. No, I didn't enjoy any more goldfish crackers.
I told the kids yesterday. The oldest was strong. He may be over there as well soon.Yeah, not even thinking about that right now. Our 17 year old absorbed the news and went upstairs to be alone. The Boo-Bear sobbed in my arms. She asked me who would watch Sanford and Son with her while he was gone. Would he have to carry a gun. Would people be shooting at her daddy.
Another conversation women have been having for toooo many years now.
This my friends out in blogland is what military spouses do. We support. We pack suitcases. We worry and pray. We hold our children while they try and make sense of things. We walk around with the phone attached to our hip so we don't miss a phone call. We write letters full of everything is fine and yes, we are all okay. We hold down the fort and try to make a life full of change a little bit more constant.
Now it's my turn.
Someone pass the M&Ms.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 1:49 AM 19 comments
Thursday, February 04, 2010
A Storm!!
The weather people are all over the TV today. Seems we have a big storm coming our way. It should start tomorrow morning and last into Saturday night. They started posting warnings last night. I thought woooooooah we are going to get hit and get hit hard. I thought snow would be predicted in feet! Ice everywhere! Catastrophe! End of Ohio as we know it!! Oh me Oh my!!!
Guess how many inches.....yep inches....we are predicted to get??
We'll try and hang on as long as we can.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:29 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Heard while at dinner....
I took the girls to a rib place last night..........mmmmmmmm buck a bone night!!...and while we were waiting in line The Boo Bear was telling me I needed to fill out a form so she could take Motrin during the day at school if she felt a headache coming on. My girl likes to be prepared for any and all aches and pains. She told me that if I didn't fill out the form and she got caught with some Motrin in her backpack they treat it just like having real drugs. Our conversation went thusly....
Her: Momma....momma....momma....
Me: What??
Her: I brought home a green form that you need to fill out so the nurse knows I can take Motrin.
Me: Why do you need to take Motrin?
Her: I might get a headache.
Me: OK, now stop talking to me while I figure out how many ribs I want.
Her: Yeah and if you don't fill out the form and I have Motrin in my backpack you can get in trouble like if you had real drugs.
Me: Hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe 7......7 ribs should just about do me. Ohhhhhh they have cornbread!
Her: It would be like if I had Pot in my backpack!! Or Weed!
Me: Honey, you do know that Weed and Pot are the same thing right?
Her: They are??
This is when everyone in line starts laughing hysterically. Me included.
Her very insulted now: You know maybe you should be happy that I didn't know the difference!
She is so very right. heeheeheeheehee
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:20 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
I have a question for you Oh Wise and All Knowing are you at having your plans changed at the last minute??
For instance....if you think that you are getting the car and have a whole day of fabric shopping and out amongst the people-ing and you wake up to get ready and then you ask your husband why he isn't waking up and getting ready to go where he needs to go AND then he says "oh, I don't have to be anywhere til 4." Does your head pop off? I mean does it pop off quietly inside of yourself while you look at him wondering what this means for your fabric shopping and amongst the people-ing? What do you do when you realize this has changed the whole day?
Hmmmmmmm?? Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:56 PM 14 comments
Monday, February 01, 2010
The mountain of laundry I have in the hallway?? It is peeking at me from around the corner. I just saw a sock and it asked me when I was going to get off of the couch to get started on the washing that needs to be done. I am on my third cup of coffee. On cleaning day I need at least three cups to fortify me before I get started.
You know how you have so much laundry to do that you sort of sit down and look at it wondering where it all went wrong? Where you lost control of the situation?? This is me today my friends.
I may boycott the whole shebang and go shopping. Not that I have a car at my disposal or anything as the hubby went off to work but this will not stop me. There are movies to see....books to be perused over.....fabric to fondle....lunch to be eaten at Applebees!! I am woman hear me roar and I don't do laundry!!! I am free!!! Watch me run!!!
sigh. I have to go now. The socks have started a revolt and are planning a take over.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
We are going back to church.
Today is the day. We've been trying to get out of the house for the past two weekends and it's been a no go. The girls were sick or we overslept and no...I did not turn the alarm off oh so quietly and sneak downstairs for a lovely cup of coffee by my side and the Sunday newspaper in my lap. Nope. Not me.
The hubby was serious this week. We were gonna go to church. Can I explain the hardest thing about getting ready for church? It is getting out of bed. Oh man alive is it hard. It's cold outside. Really cold. Our temperature right now is 8. Yep. 8. I was laying in bed with a cocoon of covers all around me and I was waaaaaaa-aaarm. The hubby was waaaaarm and had his foot touching mine. I was in that in-between place where you are kind of still asleep but kind of awake. Oh I was comfy. Our duvet was in just the right place and my pillow was scrunched in just the right way. Then I hear " gonna wake up the girls?" For just one second I wanted to punch him. I laid there trying to pretend to be so asleep that he would say "Oh look how cute she is....I'll just leave her alone" but no. That's not the way we roll around here. To get the ball rolling the (cue hero music) the mom needs to be AWAKE. My husband (and yes he's right) was missing going to church as a family and not another Sunday would pass without us sitting as one in a pew.
So did I wake up with a joyful heart?? heart didn't start really feeling joyful til my second cup of coffee but I did get out of bed and wake the girls up nicely. I am now dressed and ready and working on my third cup. The hair is floofed and the jewelry is picked out.
We are off to church.
And the people said Amen.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:49 PM 39 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The other day when I was at the place called the Doorway to Hell aka the gym, I decided to shake things up a bit and hop on a machine I'd never tried before. It looks kinda like a stair stepper but kind of like a skiing thing. There was a guy next to me going to town and I thought "Meh, how hard can it be?" heh.
I smiled at him as I got myself situated. He smiled back and kept going at a speed of about fortyleven. I put my feet where they needed to go and put my earphones in my ears. I picked a song..... Baby by Justin Bieber cause I turn into a 12 year old girl when I workout. I looked over the very large and very full of buttons control panel and decided to press the one marked ON cause my momma dint raise herself no fools.
That thing took off like a bat out of hell and I almost fell off while trying to find the OFF button. The man next to me tried very hard not to laugh. I think I heard him snort. I gave him my best "do not even go there dude....I am a woman who has not had a Pepsi in T minus 8 days and I'm on the edge looking at crazy" while I hopped off to figure out my next plan of attack.
Thank you to all that is holy that this machine was in the back of the room.
I got back on, restarted Justin on the I-Pod and tentatively hit the ON button again. I could see funny man watching me. That machine took off again but I was ready this time. I hung in there for a total of 10 minutes. Do you have any idea how long 10 minutes is?? It. Is. A. Very. Long. Time.
I was pretty proud of myself for hanging in there as long as I did. I may have had a swagger when I walked back downstairs to wait for my hubby to finish his workout. I sat next to a man waiting for his wife. He was asleep. I almost fell asleep while waiting.
Now someone open me a Pepsi.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:26 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Biggest Loser....
Anyone watch the show Biggest Loser? We love that show in this house....that one and American Idol. Tonight we watched both of them. Let us talk about Biggest Loser shall we?
You know, I was feeling pretty good about doing my two miles on the treadmill until I saw this show. I gotta step it up. This year one of my goals was to lose some poundage and get healthier. Why is it that as soon as your body figures out that you are doing a life change thing it gets all panicky and you are hungry all the time??? Anyone else go through that?? I've been waking up hungry. Food calling me from the fridge. It's awful. I've been meal planning and recipe reading to try and do some different things. I think maybe I was born in the wrong era. I totally would do great as a Renaissance Woman! Painters would get me to pose for them as they would be enamored of my curves. I could lay around all day eating bon bons. sigh. Wrong era for sure.
So as 2010 is the year I finally stop making excuses for myself and start working out and eating better I have been looking in my cookbooks and going to Barnes and Noble looking through magazines for some recipes. For the first time in a long time my family is excited to see what I'm making for dinner as there are some new things I'm trying.
As for tomorrow?? I am going to hit that treadmill and hit it hard. Then I may do some lunges. Then I may complain a bit. Then I may do some.....wait for it people...I may do a sit up or ten. It has been 8 years since I've done a sit up.
God Help Me.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:21 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Serial Killer At My Door.....
Oh Int-Netz!!! You are not gonna believe what I did today!! Oh the horror!!! Oh the craziness!!! Oh if Oprah could have seen!!!!
I had just woken up from a very satisfying nap. One which I had to take cause I talked to the doctor about my "Vitamins" and yeah, that makes me very exhausted feeling in my brain so after a two hour trip to Barnes and Noble a nap was next up. So there I was. Just woke up from a nap. Feeling a little hungry so I went to the kitchen for a biscotti (lemon) when it happened. I heard a knock at the door. Duh Duh Duh!!! I peeked out of our side window to see who it could be and I saw an old truck with two ladders on the side and some other men type things. I went to the door to peek out the window and a little old man was standing there holding out a name badge. I opened the door very carefully and he gave me this big smile. I know!!! He had serial killer written all over him!!!! He told me he was from Time Warner Cable and that he was making house calls to check on the work of the phone installer that had come to the house a couple of weeks ago. He said some of them were not installing phones right and he needed to see if there was some box attached. Now this whole time I am standing there not saying a word and wondering if my num-chuck skills are going to be needed. He again shows me his badge and tells me it's okay and then smiles again.
Int-netz.....I let him in.
I know!! I can hear you yelling "oh no Dawn you didnt!!!"
I did. I was caught unawares and not fully awake and OMG if Oprah was here she would have my head as she has done any number of shows on just this type of thing!! I swear if he would have asked me to help him find his puppy I would have gone. And all because he smiled at me and said it was okay......and he kinda looked like a grandpa.
I totally re-thought my decision when I was watching him crawl around on my floor checking our phone line and even wondered what I would do if he whipped out his screw-driver and came after me. It was then I started to get really worried. So as he's crawling around I tell him all nonchalantly "my husband is home but he is upstairs." "Upstairs very close and probably listening right this very minute" annnnnnnnnnnnd just in case he wasn't as concerned as he should be I through in...... "he is a body builder." and I may have said "Please do not kill me cause I have a Nook coming soon from Barnes and Noble and I will really be bummed if I die before I can use it."
Thankfully he was not a killer of unsuspecting women who have just woken up from a nap. I am, however, on restriction from opening up the door during the day so if anyone comes by and I do not answer this is why. Plus ....just a little FYI to any future phone checkers that come a I bought 6 very large German Sheppard type dogs. And maybe a Pit Bull. Possibly the rabid dog from Cujo.
Just saying.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:05 AM 7 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
quilt pics!!
Where in the world does the time go I ask ya?? Sheesh. It's like once you hit 40 you can blink and a week has gone by.
Thank you to everyone who left a comment about the son entering the Air Force. There are still a few comments I need to respond to...please don't think I have forgotten. Life has been busy! :)
So he is all sworn in and the next step is to find out when he leaves for basic training. He is going to get one of his top two choices for jobs. Both of them will find him in an airplane. Not flying them but doing other things. Great job for him as he will get to travel. I plan on stocking up on the "vitamins" and talk to my doctor about some Ambien. heh
On to quilt pics!!!! Our Judy asked the quilting community if anyone wanted to try out a pattern she was working on. This was before Christmas. I jumped on the chance cause if you've seen her work you know her quilts turn out beautifully and her patterns are really easy to follow. Here is my take...........the family loves it! I have it over the back of our long couch and have already tested it to see if it is nap worthy. It is. :)
Next up is a quilt kit I bought when I was at the Fabric Shack here in Ohio. Shoot! I forgot who designed this one. I'll look that up when I am not lolling about in bed being a woman of leisure who blogs while in pjs.
Last but not least is an Angel Babies wall hanging I finished just last night. I got the pattern for free on this site. It's by Sindy Rodenmayer. This is the next one to be put on the frame.
Cute right!!
Allrighty, that's all I got. Lots of things going on just not anything really exciting. I did have a serial killer at my door today and I just knew he was gonna get me with his screwdriver but that my friends is a story for tomorrow. heeheehee
hugs everyone!!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:19 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Son....
Things have been busy this week here at Chez' Owens. Our son is getting ready to sign up for the Air Force. Papers have had to be found.......other papers have been read and signed.....many talks about the future going on over there.
Today I take him to the recruiters office so he can get on a bus with other young men and women. They will stay the night in a hotel in Columbus. All of them will take a 4 hour test......a physical........some more paperwork....and then tomorrow I pick him up. After that we wait for him to be called up. He is pretty excited to get his life started. I thought maybe he'd help his momma out and pick some safe jobs. heh. I was wrong. My baby wants to travel and be in airplanes and jump out of them. He wants to see everything and go everywhere and try everything.
I just smile and tell him I support him but my insides are saying "WHA?????????"
So that is what's been going on this week. I have a couple of quilts to post and American Idol to talk about...who out there misses crazy Paula?? Raise your hands....but that will have to wait for later on tonight. This morning I am taking my grown up boy out for breakfast. I want to make sure he is well fed before he leaves. Then I'll hug him and maybe cry a bit. It's a mothers prerogative to cry a bit when their babies are a leaving them. Even if it's just for an overnight trip. A very important overnight trip.
Have a good one everybody!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:29 PM 17 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Walker Leigh's hubby just got home from being deployed for a year.
A year int-netz. 365 days.
Welcome home big guy!!!!! WE ARE SO VERY PROUD OF YOU HERE AT CHEZ OWENS!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:59 AM 6 comments
Friday, January 08, 2010
This morning the kids got a snow day. No school for them so they are sleeping late. The hubby left for work about 10 minutes ago. I was walking around the house thinking of what to do first when I remembered I had some Red Vine licorice hidden in my sewing cabinet. I gave a fist pump of joy and said out loud "Best day ever!!"
Do you think this means I am easy to please??
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:17 PM 4 comments
Just wanted to take a moment and show what I got during the SSCS that Chookyblue put on for us.
The person who got my name was Fiona.
I just love everything she sent!! The needles are wonderful and I've already put them in the needle keep she made. Now I just need to figure out what my next stitching project is going to be.
Thanks so much to Chookyblue for having the swap and thank you to Fiona for her wonderful gifts!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 11:13 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Tonight I have co-co-van (does anyone really know how to spell that???!) cooking in the oven. Baby portibello mushrooms with some asparagus thrown in and topped with Parmesan cheese will happen soon. Some rolls and a lovely cranberry vodka will round out the meal. Also?? I am making an apple crostata for dinner....but you know what I really want?? What I really and truly want int-netz??
My brothers.
I want to call my brothers......all three of them.....and tell them to come over for dinner where I can fuss over them and refill their plates while touching them on the shoulder when I pass their chair. And I want to laugh at their jokes cause the three of them are the funniest dag-on men you ever will meet. Each in their own individual way. I just want to sit and feel all full of love for them while they talk to my kids. I want to hug them and call them Charlie. I want to have to take a running leap over their legs while they sit on my floor cause good golly miss molly are they tall! I want to feed them apple crostata till they are so full they pop. I just want them here so I can look at them and smile.
My heart is all squeezy feeling for them tonight.
Just wanted you to know.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 7:50 AM 6 comments
Monday, January 04, 2010
Ahhhh the life....
The hubby has not been sleeping well for the past couple of night and ladies out there you know this means I have not been sleeping well.
Last night I announced that I would be sleeping on the couch and for no one to bother me because by gosh! I was going to get a good nights sleep!
This morning, after everyone left for school and work, I came into the living room to tidy up and this is who I found underneath the covers sleeping oh so wonderfully. hahahahaha She woke up just as I took a picture. I wonder if she jumped up there, got cozy and thought to herself "Yep, she put all of this here just for me!"
It's good to be queen here at Chez' Owens.
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 10:57 PM 5 comments
Christmas post and SSCS gifts...
Everyone goes back to their proper places this morning so I now have time to blog. Happy day!
Christmas was great this year. There were SSCS gifts received and loved from Fiona...... I will post a picture later on. I thought I took a picture but can't find it on the computer so I shot an email to Chookyblue to see if I could borrow the one she has. As soon as I get an okay I'll put the picture up. :)
Here are some of our Christmas pics...much happened. There was eating and laughing and eating and laughing and Avatar watching (lurrrrved it!!) Also there was......A last Christmas with this guy since he is joining the Air Force and will be gone by April to basic training...sob...
Boyfriends came over.........
The living room threw up wrapping paper.....
The Rents were enjoyed.........
Uncles woke up early to open gifts with a smile on their faces........
My daddy was loved on and fussed over..... just noticed that little tear on the pillow there...hmmm must fix that today.
One brother came to a house of ours for the very first time and can I say that I was thrilled!!!...
This was the scene BEFORE I put out the presents hidden in my closet. Yeah, I know, lots and lots of gifts. Just looking at this picture makes me giggle!
The best Christmas picture of the day. Our Boo Bear really really IswearIwillneveraskforanythingaslongasIlive really wanted a mini laptop for Christmas. We told her it was to expensive and to ask for something else. Little did she know we had one in our closet all wrapped and waiting for her.
She cried.
It was awesome.Look! We even got snow. It was just a perfect couple of days in every possible way.
Next year, crossing fingers, my other brother will be able to be here!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
Posted by Dawn's Daily Journal at 9:04 PM 10 comments