We finally got some snow around here. I was so excited!! We got the dog and took her out in it just so she could run around then we went to Downstairs Jen's house to make sure she was taking pictures too. heehee It snowed all of 15 minutes and then it stopped...but the posibilities of what could've happened were great!!!
This weekend was a busy one. I don't know about any one else but the Christmas season is soooooooooooooo busy!!! We had the Capt's squadron party...which was a lot of fun. We even won a door prize...The Redneck video part 2. Yep...a redneck video. heehee Had a lot of fun with that! :) We were one of the last one's to leave and let's just say that it wasn't my idea! Yes folks who know us well...the Capt was the one who had to be dragged out the door. :) I think I'm rubbing off on him. This morning was church...where the Capt was signing us up for ministry when I walked in to pick up our little boo-bear. :) Hubby's...gotta love em! AUGH!! I think that we are working in Children's church now....not to sure....I'm gonna have to go undercover later and find out. heehee Things happened kinda fast so who knows! After church Lauren, Jen and I went to.......
E-MART. This place was great!! It was floor after floor of stuff...can I tell you all that I happen to love stuff!!! Shiny stuff...glittery stuff...kitchen stuff.....just any kind of stuff. This place was packed with it. There were also a lot of people. So many people that I started to feel overwhelmed. Now I am a girl that happens to love the day after Thanksgiving shopping cause I get to be out amongst the people so for me to feel overwhelmed it had to be bad. I took a picture cause I couldn't believe how many people were out...and it was cold out too!!!
Here is just one small section of an isle...see! Wall to wall people!!! And this isle was one of the ones we could actually walk through. There were some that had so many people out that you just couldn't walk past. Downstairs Jen took pity on me and we decided to eat at a place that she has always wanted to go to......LOTTERIA!!! No...no lottery tickets...burgers! And lots of different kinds! There were no ordinary big mac's here! No way!!! There were.....................
The Frico Cheese Burger...The Bulgogi Burger and the Paprika Burger. I got the Frico Burger cause...hey...let's face it...how many times can you say, "I'd like the fricken burger please." hahahahahaha Lauren got the Shrimp Burger and Jen got the Bulgogi Burger. Mine was awesome!!!!!
Here is proof that a shrimp burger truly exsists.
Here is Jen's bulgogi burger...yep...that's rice instead of bun!!
This is what the menu looked like. I personally love it when I can just point and then cross my fingers..the lady at the counter got out a picture menu for us...she wasn't letting me take any chances. :)
And since no day out can be complete until Downstairs Jen and I get a "freebie" just for being American and adventurous...we got a calendar. heehee Life is good!
One more picture...this is ALL KIMCHE!!! Take your pick...there are about a zillion different kinds! The Capt is a happy happy man and dutifully trying them all. Sigh! What a man! heehee
oops. almost forgot...when we were shopping and laughing at all the funny signs I happened on this little wonder. It is two small bottles of silver pills. No not silver in color...actual silver! I guess if you are a warewolf you're steering clear of here. There was a pharmacy on one of the floors. Now Jen and I have heard tales that we are not allowed near one. Of course that makes us want to dress in black and infiltrate one. Why aren't we allowed in?? What is in there that we must have??! As soon as I saw the pharmacy I went and stood at the counter...Downstairs Jen was right next to me...we felt kinda like wild and brave!! THERE IS NO PHARMACY THAT CAN KEEP US AWAY!! HA-HA PHARMACY MAN!! I have to be truthful and tell you all that I was dissapointed. I expected sirens and for someone to start yelling about the hot american babes that had gotten through. I didn't even see any illegal drugs!! BUMMER!!! Wait...I know...they saw us coming and hid them! YEP!! That's it!! AUGH PHARMACY MAN YOU FOOLED US!!! BUT NEVER AGAIN CAUSE NEXT TIME....I'M GOIN' IN THE BACK!! hahahaha Just another night of me crackin' myself up here in Korea. Have a nice night everyone!!
Hey, crazy, I need your address. SOON. Put a move on it! Sometime before Christmas!!
Love, your brother.
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